Dusseldorf to Duisburg: By Train, Tram or Bus?

Updated on December 29, 2023  

dusseldorf to duisburg

As I live near Cologne, the same state as Dusseldorf, friends visiting here often ask me about the most efficient and cost-effective way to travel to neighboring cities. One of the most common questions is "What's the best way to get from Düsseldorf to Duisburg?"

Fortunately, there are plenty of options available from Düsseldorf, whether it is by train, bus, car rental and even flight! Each one has its pros and cons, which I'll outline below.

So keep reading to find out the best ways to get from Düsseldorf to Duisburg!

Where is Duisburg?

Duisburg is located in the western part of Germany. It is situated in the North Rhine-Westphalia